Sowing together
Agriculture plays a fundamental role in Argentina. It drives economic and social development and has always been a part of us. However, in the last two decades, the idea of the countryside and the city as two separate spaces has begun to gain ground.

The challenge was to begin to create a dialogue to address disinformation and the prejudices it has caused. The goal was to add value and closeness in recovering this connection and, at the same time, highlight the synergy and the existing complement between city and country. Spaces and territories united to progress together.
We developed an integrated communication strategy based on an institutional campaign that sought to show Syngenta’s role and debunk historical myths and old beliefs about the division between the countryside and the city.

The campaign had an integrated, multidisciplinary, transversal approach with the goal of developing the concept of “being part of the countryside that we want”, and from which the company sought to gain visibility in different strategic areas and audiences through communication, PR and public affairs.

We brought a humanized point of view to the company in the person and voice of its CEO, Antonio Aracre, giving him a significant space in the public debate and allowing him as the voice of Syngenta to reach all the media and stakeholders, joining the conversation about subjects outside of his sector and which affect all of society, such as bullying, diversity, economic development, poverty, food and public policies, thus broadening brand identity and awareness.
We captured an oriented strategy to permeate key audiences with our main goal of bridging the gap and bringing the countryside to the city with consistent and empathetic messages.
ARS 0,17
Cost per view
The development of this new concept made it possible to represent Syngenta’s place and agriculture in the day-to-day and with a more profound, transparent perspective, positioning the company as the tangible connection between both spaces.

During the campaign, 1635 mentions of Syngenta and 690 mentions of Antonio Aracre were detected in the media, providing over 80% of coverage of the target, with 8.6 million contacts.

On social media, there were over 2 million impressions and almost 300,000 interactions, metrics unimaginable for this category, with an engagement rate of 14.24%. One point to highlight is that the CPV (cost per view) was very low, at AR$0.17.

Furthermore, the company climbed 120 positions overnight in the country’s most prestigious business rankings.
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